100% of donations go directly to the Aid Fund which will support our current projects on the ground in Ukraine.
Grains, oil, sugar, salt, flour, nuts, nut butters, canned meat, canned fish, granola, protein bars, ready to eat meals, dried soups, pasta, tea bags, coffee, hot cereal, oatmeal, pancake mix, powdered milk.
First aid kits, blood clotting material, gloves, dressings & bandages, splints, tourniquets, antibiotic ointment, kids medicine, multivitamins (kids & adults), over-the-counter medications (Tylenol, Advil, Aspirin, Pepto-Bismol pills, Imodium, bowel care, sleed aids, Benadryl).
Feminine products, hygiene products, dental care, body cleansing wipes, soap bars, dish soap, detergent.
Solar power banks, backpacks, camouflage clothing, flashlights, batteries, sleeping bags, blankets.
Formula, baby food pouches (no glass), baby cereals, diapers, wipes, warm blankets, clean clothes, shoes.
Hats, gloves, coats, shoes, underwear, socks, clean warm clothing (winter items most urgent).